Enquiry for a collection online only
You will receive a response within 48 working hours to confirm that we have your enquiry (please check your spam) A date will be emailed to you once we have a business collection in your area You will be notified by email with a date for collection in your area, once a route has been designated.
Once you confirm that the collection date is suitable, you will receive an email confirming the booking Once all collections on that route have confirmed, you will be emailed 24 hours before with an ETA, the collection teams names, and a contact number. This ETA will depend on various circumstances, i.e., traffic
Our drivers will have pre-printed barcoded labels, containing your collection date and postcode. These are used to track your data sensitive items through our data department Once the driver arrives at your location, they will introduce themselves, showing their ID badge. They will complete a Waste Transfer Document/Donation Note electronically. This is automatically emailed to your given email address
(please check your spam)
They will attach the labels to items/pallets containing data. Once the driver returns to site, the van is offloaded and checked against the Waste Transfer Document/Donation Note. Your data sensitive items will then make their way to the Data Destruction Department, to be processed and data destroyed. Reports and certificates will be produced. Once the collection has been signed off, a certificate will be emailed to you. All business certificates will be emailed on a Friday afternoon. Certificates for residential collections/post/drop off, will be sent upon request

Residential Collection

If you require a collection, please fill you details in on the form and a member of our staff will be in touch as soon as they can to try and arrange a collection.

If you only have a small amount of items, or a couple of laptops, these items should be sent to us via post saving our carbon footprint.

Please include a copy of this document in your parcel (Click Here)

Please address FAO Donations department. our address is at the bottom of our website. Please note that this is not a free post service.

If you are unable to print the document, please download it and include the relevant information in your parcel.

Click here to see what items we can and cannot accept.

Collection are not able to be booked or arrange by the online chat as this can cause confusion with our admin team, to arrange or book a collection please fill out the web form on the page. 

Items we cannot take

Ink Jet Printers, CRT monitors, dental/beauty electrical items, kitchen electrical, furniture, mattresses, VHS tapes or other types of tape media and any other items that are not electrical.

Please complete form to arrange a free collection


2016 -  2024 Mark Sherman

Help support us financialy
Charity Number: 1169658